Luise Freese
I love to live healthy and share some of my recipes here.
If you’ve ever clicked on a recipe blog only to find yourself reading a novella about the butter cow’s emotional journey, congratulations: You’ve made it to the right place. Sure, I could tell you about the glorious morning I plucked the basil for my pesto (spoiler: it was from a supermarket bag), or about the history of butter, but we both don’t have time for that! You just want to know how much basil or butter you need.
I will therefore keep it super short and simple: One list for ingredients, then a step-by-step for instructions and no paragraphs on my grandmothers cow Holly, no Subscribe to my newsletter popups, no ads, no links to other oh-so-fabulous lists, stores, posts. Just the recipe.
Of course I tried and tested all of these several times in my own kitchen, and I am convinced that they taste great and are a big bonus for your health. But I will not write this in every single post.
Most of my recipes, are sugar-free and gluten-free, some of them are vegan.
If you want to show some appreciation and buy me a (caffeine-free) ✨ coffee please feel free to do so.
Get in touch
If you want to reach me, easiest way is through socials. You can find info about my professional self at m365princess.com.
Luise Freese | Uerdinger Str. 26 | 40474 Duesseldorf | 0171-5508708 | luise [AT] raeuberleiterin [DOT] de