

  • 200g nuts/almonds of your choice
  • a dash of salt
  • 2 g of baking powder
  • 1 apple
  • zest of an orange
  • 5 Medjoul dates
  • 1/2 of a vanilla pod
  • 1-2 tea spoons of cinnamon
  • 100-200ml of water
  • (vegan) chocolate


  1. Cook the apple with 5 big Medjoul dates, vanilla and cinnamon with some water
  2. Blend the nuts/almonds in a mixer
  3. When te apples/dates are soft put that into the mixer as well
  4. Combine everything with the rest of the ingredients
  5. Form little balls, then press flat on a baking tray
  6. Bake 10-15 min at 170° C
  7. Optional: sprinkle with/dip in chocolate